Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Some progress....

So I was messing with the blending tool for the background of my project and these are the two best that I ended up with.

They are ordered from darker flag to lighter flag.  I don't really know which one will work best once I put the plane in.  If ya'll could comment and tell me which one you think would work best I would really appreciate it. Or if you have any other suggestions on color, etc. I would love that as well!


  1. I like the third one the best, since it's much easier to make out the desert and the flag is more subtle but still visible enough.

  2. I personally think that the middle one is your best option. I think it might be cool if you gave the desert a sepia tone to give it more of a rustic, dry look.

  3. i like the bottom one as well just because the flag isnt as noticable, it looks more natural.
